Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yesterday was Teo's birthday! All of them came my house to eat and swim. Mizah, JinRen, Tze Hsien and Terry went home while Kenneth me Jiang Jie Jonathan and Lydia went cineleisure for movie. Today, went to collect contact lens with JR and Hao Shu Fu ah! hahah change new one + different degree.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

I never wna see you unhappy.
Goodbye my almost lover,
goodbye my hopeless dreams.
So long my luckless romance.

Do you know you bring me heartache? Almost lovers always do.

Hi Kryan's dearest readers. (including me) I am here to help Kryan wong blog. Cos I am srsly very bored. Currently turning into dust soonz. Like srsly, soon. I feel so kind (: & I know, this seems and IS weird that I'm helping him BLOG his rly very dead blog, but. Nvm, What are friends for!

He's feeling rather emotional today, or maybe just, now. HAHA. But it's okay. Everyone has their ups and downs. Sigh. Cheer up! {: & haven't been meeting him lately. As in gg out w him. Aww. See you!

光明正大 written by LYDIA PHEE. Lmao.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Kryan Wong, me, is a bitch. Srsly, I should just slam the doors and bang the wall. I am so lazy to blog these few months cos laziness took over me purely. There's no need to bother abt me anymore cos I am going too dead to be true. (: I am just too BUSY w my life. Lydia claims that I have 3 wives while Jinren claims that I have 5 wives and 6 mistresses. It's up to you to believe them, cos I rly have nth to say. (It's the truth) Currently, dota is my life. & based on Mizah's statement, I simply have no life. I agree, srsly. My life has already ended ever since I stopped blogging which is since May 29. Literally, I suck to the core & I know everyone agrees on that. <:
Currently, my love for WangLeeHom has faded drastically. While Taylor is Hot & Spicyz, leading top on the list. He's the new s3x. Thank you for your attention. I wish I was as muscular as him. I cannot be as muscular as him as i dont have that look either. Sigh...你的溫柔如此靠近帶走我的心跳, Jacob! -salivating-


Friday, September 11, 2009

Mizah Here !

Hi hi hi people.

Kryan Wong's blog is super dead so i am here to revive it. Ahahahah. Mizah here to save the day! ._. As you know, he's super lazy to even log in to his own account. Actually there's nothing exciting in his life. So boring you know! Everyday dota, like one dog. LOL. Joking.

Wa this guy pro la. Four months never post a single shit. -.-

Friday, May 29, 2009

Yesterday had speech day!!! So tiring but fun(:(: It was also the last offical performance with my great seniors :) Enjoyed the process with them!! Now then i realise tat process is the more important thing rather than results.....

To my great seniors:)

Amanda i rly enjoy the time we have. Especially when we gossip about ppl hahaha. But u must keep yurself relax more cos i find u abit impatient hahaha.

KT both of us know how good is yur playing skills :) but no matter wat i m glad tat u r willing to giv up yur practicing time and come and teach me this noob haha.

Siska yur playing skills are good and a very patient person.

Thanks too all of u. All of u are rly rly good seniors. U guys treat me very well. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! haha. THX for all the time and do come back for band more often i will miss u guys de:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

YEAH!!! Finally left 1 more physics paper which i dont have to study tat much haha. Pass few days wat i do was memo, memo and still memo stupid sia.... Waste my time..... Now i find tat all my hard work have been wash down the drain especially (H_____)...... And all this happen just in 1 day..... HATE study for my life!!!

Hai but nvm over and its over there is nth i can do about it. Wat i can do is only change the furture and not the pass. Heng i still have my families with me!! But i m lucky for just having a caring family.... Other thn this i find nth good about me? Overall i find myself so USELESS??

My cute little Dr.edric wong cousin (:

Feel like dieing now!!!! Y is everything and its everything!!!!! so unfair to me? All the effort i've put in for friendship and ..... its was ruin just within 1 day...... Think next time i shouldn't put in effort for anything le just let things b done by itself and tats the best?

K done (: BYE

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

GRRR hate today's chinese paper 1 so diff.... Dont even know how to write for the second part bo bian it consist of 50 marks, so i anyhow spam the paper with wordsssss... Hope the teacher will understand..... Then paper 2 was ok..... expected the compre to be diff but in the end quite easy hahaha.

After both paper went to mac and eat lunch with terry, kenneth and tze hsien.... Disturb tze hsien and terry all the way hahah. Then wenn hon, vincent, raffles and jun hong join us.... Cannot stand kenneth and vincent sia keep shooting each other.... But most of the time is vincent LL haha. So funnyyyyyy :)

Hai rly dam irritated by a few things!!!! Sometimes i rly feel like just throwing everything aside and stop think those FUCKING stuff!!!! Some1!!! teach me wat to do!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy b'day ah kor :):)

Hai today is quite a boring day.... Go school like nvr go lor, first lesson go mother tongue do 1 paper then watch movie le. After tat geog is the same listen to the first lesson then the second lesson dont have to say wat i do hahaha. Heng after recess got english can disturb nizam haha and its definately better hahahaha. Then last lesson have been cancel and there is a stupid talk about the H1N1. In the end me and teo nvr even listen sleep for the whole talk hahahaha. so shuang...

After school played card for awhile and went home to read my stupid geog :( Read abit le straight away go sleep hehee. Then slept until 7.30 and have my dinner.... Finish dinner le rush to giant to buy some stuff and buy cake frm 4 leaf.


Boring day.... bye

Saturday, May 2, 2009

PSPS this few weeks dam lazy to post.... Now tio gan like siao liao bo bian hahahah. Ermmm today went out with uncle and ate at SRC. The DIAN XING is so nice!!! still got liu lian su first time c and eat sia. Haiii nw i think i abit too crazy about food le wat i think is only food, food and still FOOD!!! haha

Thn after tat around 7 went to science centre's sakura to celebrate kor's b'day and mother's day... WTH buffet there is totally like shit!!!! DK how the chief cook de kns..... Mayb wat i say abit guai lan but to me it rly sucks. But had fun there with my cousins :) tats smth good about it.

Hey guys whn u r irritated by me tell me straight at my face b truthful towards me :)

LAZY to post le bye

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Went studying with Lydiaaaaaa and mizah.... Go there wait for lydia for 40+ minss ): But nvm (: This is wat a guy should do wakakaka. When we reach there saw qutie alot of broadrician..... First saw azim after tat wan qing,ahmad and shuana came tooooo. Wan qing and ahmad is so closeeeee, y not they stead?? hahaa. Same to kian tong and grace hehehe :) Wan qing they all came for less than 2h i was like wth..... Then must well dont come right??ha

After tat pang seh mizah and lydia and went home:) Go home c my cousin practice piano then went out to vivo. Dam shiok go there eat the hebal restaurant just beside daiso... The food there is so niceeeeee love it :)

Currently dl-ing BY2's new song BB:)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wahaha today is a very good day for me. Skipped all the lesson for the day hehehehe, cos we help ms fud with SYF for EL.... The performance was very good i think they got chance to get more then a bronze ahaha. To me COP impossible hehe. Or mayb i m too confident in them?? Not even i says so... Ms Fud say its the best performance, when they practice they didnt even do so well. For the performance after our school they sucks.... All of us didnt understand a single thing tat they are acting.... Tat 1 i think they sure get COP hahaha.

O ya 1 more thing hahah me, lydia adeline and hamizah went to disturb ppl with toothpaste haha. The first 1 to eat is gabriel hahah he dam pek chek keep scolding nbcb F**K hehe so funny. But he go around spreading this prank zzzzzzz make until the whole sec 3 know..... But 3 of them's target rly go and eat hahaha stupid right so gien4 peng3 dam asssss hehe. Then got one dam stupid 1 go eat the whole thing and the person is LOH WEN JIE hahahaa. Cannot stop laughing hehehe think of their facial expression can laugh like siao liao hehe.

Best April Fool Day of my life haha Bye :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I m so lucky to have a good friend like OYL, so kinddddd help me da bao mac when i m so tired going (haha). But the breakfast i only ate half others let a F**KING beggar kope WTFFFF. Tat beggar have $ to smoke, drink and gamble but dont have money to eat.... OMFG i rly have nth to say about this type of beggar/bastard. I dont wanna say out who is he, he himself know can liao. Ppl frm my class oso the same only got 1 word to discribe and tats 贪. How i wish my school dont have this type of ppl.....

After school went out w hamizah and jin ren. First i went to take the IC photo, i look so dumb can.... like not enf sleep ): After tat we went to marine parade mac and saw hamizah so blur abit like lydia blur blur de haha. After going out with them i found out tat mayb jin ren like hamizah??? He like cannot stop disturbing her for 5 min.... I oso dont know wat jin ren thinking like then jio la dont b so 婆婆妈妈 like a girl hahaha. Both of u look quite like a couple hehe.

So tired now....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

HOHOHO. Went compass point with jiangjie and disturb charlene, grace and etc hehehe.. The charlene so dumb can..... shoot her then she will get so pek chek wahaha. When she get angry tats the time i will b freaking happy wakakakak. How evil of me hehe. Hai i think 3a2 and 3a3 ppl oso wanna c her get angry haha. Seeing charlene angry is the best le que of my lifeeeeeeeee wakakaka.

After tat went to long beach and eat seafood.... Had one of my fav foodddddd the XIANG BA BANG wahahah. The xiang ba bang is so dam fresh can... Can feel the sweetness in the mouth. Then we went to kallang mac and have our supper, i knew tat i m gonna c broadrician. Guess wat i saw LEON haha. The fat fat one frm 3A4 haha.

Now talking on the phone bb :D

Monday, March 9, 2009

Yesterday is rly a tiring day.... Help moving house, aiyo there was so many things to move. BUTTT most of the things are not mine can... in the end still must b said by ppl wat 那么多东西了还要买. Please la she herself is the one and pls stop acting like a fool. We know tat wat u are doing are fake can... zhou ren kiang tio ho mai kei kiang u must know this theory.

OMG my hand is still pain lor irritating hope my hand will b fine by tmr. If not i gonna suffer 1 more (BLOODY) day. Wahaha stephen lim teach de hehe. Hai feel very sad for my maths and english results ): failed english. then maths leh hai just got a pass on the spot ): For physics and chinese still not bad quite satisfied. Hope i can score in ss i've alrd put in effort in it liao so i rly hope :)

I think tat as long as we put in our effort wtv the results ppl will still b satisfied.

Byebye guys :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sry guys nvr blog for more than a week.... (again)

WTF!!!! Dam pek chek with one SBS driver..... He drives bus 14, car plate no.1:SBS9552R but I don't know his name. Curse him!!!! Dunno why got such a 白痴 bus driver driving the bus. Later he nvr drive properly then bring danger to the passengers and the people. Such people should just stay at home and not be a hindrance. Drive then drive with care, don't kaypo and talk so much. Scold without reason, 什么道理! People out there, better watch out and beware of such guailan driver who's mentally unstable. Although he's older but doesn't mean that he can scold people dog. Crazy nvm don't care about this crazydriver, night! (:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sry for not posting for so many days too lazy liao haha. Yesterday morning was rotting at home stupid sia. But its ok :) My brother organize BBQ and it was quite fun. Played with his friends, they dam funny de lor keep saying bad stuff about each other. One of them dam flirt can.... She can ask a fake boyfriend to hug her and take photo wth. Still can lay on him eeeeee. Tat orrr jiao oso still can let her lay on him. Haha but not my body can liao just saying for fun :D

I somehow abit pek chek with someone lor. Ask her to go to the BBQ as if she is my normal friend of mine cannot meh.... Even Y and M can go y cant u.... Somemore me and M oso cannot say we rly know each other but still go. Mayb Y and M they are friends so wont b so pai seh, but as if i nvr ask u to call a few friends along..... Pls la i dont think going out with a normal friend is wrong lor. i know u are very mature in thinking so pls go think about it k???

Bye :D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hi guys :) Yesterday's lesson was normal. But got scolded by F&N teacher haha, nvr finish the hw she gave us :( Then stay back after school to do, but she got disturb by me. Haha dont know hu say mr lau very scarded of her, then i say of cos la u 压下去他就死. She giv me giv me the jiao bin sia, every1 there say wat i very guai lan but they oso laugh haha.

After doing the work went to band. When jing wen they all say viceroy coming i was like WTH y must u come??? HATE HIM!!!! Yesterday found out tat mayb he come to band is because of the cute JUNIOR in our section haha. The junior was quite cute :) N i think viceroy like her ba, frm wat he say i think everyone in band will laugh lor. He ask the junior "Y are u so sian???" She reply "Very tired mah" then say he say "躺下来休息啦!" His somehow being rejected she say cannot la later they will scold hahah. Keep laughing away :D Siska and me was like no wonder his mood is so good, finish flirting happy liao haha.

To viceroy "if u like her just say bah anw she is quite cute wat"haha

K ba Bye dam happy yesterday :D

Saturday, January 31, 2009


last one,

Hi guyssss.

First day of CNY dam sian lor rot at homeeeee, first time of my life sia DA NIAN CHU YI can sleep haha. But i alrd know tat the first day's ang pao can get the most $ (:

Second day leh is comfirm better then first day haha. Can gamble but only win $2 :) I think ppl will me wat got win is better then lose and stuff haha.

Hai today leh sian sia lose $3, dam suay the last 1 i play $3 oso lose ): Mayb the banker's luck dam good, i think he win more then $50.

I dont mind ppl saying things about me le, its time for me to grow up if i think i m good tats enf. To me ppl should think this way too, dont care about ppls opion so much as long as u are happy can liao.

Bye guyssss stay HAPPYYYYYY :D

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wahaha todays celebration was quite good made me quite high hehe. Keep shouting and laughing haha, ppl oso keep saying wat i can shout dam loud wakaka. So dont come and challenge me, and sry if i too high then bully ppl hahah. Hai mood been ruin by RUJANA haha. Anw its ok :D you high dao can liao hehe, dont wanna keh gao with this type of ppl.

I think tat ppl must b high for sometimes they cant keep their (highness) to themselves haha. Wen hon this is somehow for u hahah, today everyone highing, only u EMOing. But nvm there will still b times for u to GET HIGH :D Or u wanna listen to F.I.R's Get High haha.

Sry guys nvr post for so long haha.

Bye :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hai so tired!! SYF coming zzzz, not only SYF my family still got some freaking stuff make me so irritated OMGG.... Hate the bloody china woman and some1 hu i dont wanna say out. BTW pls get out frm my good life, stop irritating me!! Watever i do is wrong la, and watever u do is right la.... Just wanted to have a iphone and i m gonna pay myself still wan kb wat sia. If u bloody bitch is gonna pay for me i understand but u r not can, so keep yur bloody mouth shut!!!!!!! And all $ kena cope i oso nvr say anything u still wan talk so much, everytime say all the same old thing. i alrd can bei out all the things u wanna say.

Anw guys sry keep coming my blog to scold ppl, but i rly cant control myself these ppl force me to do these.

Music makes my mood better hehe
Bye :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wa F**K sia the china woman stupid bitch. Come ruin my family and my mood, i will hate u 4ever F**K off man. U BITCH still dare come have dinner with me still sit beside me. 做人要自动一点,不会做人就不要来.根本都没人想看到你,不来也没人会想你, My father oso another 1 i respect him but he dont even respect me. How dare he bring tat BITCH here WTF. Stupid bitch force me pollute my clean blog with those !@#$%^&*.

Hope any of my cousin c wat i write and tell their parents i will b very happy.

And i hope ppl i know will b more mature, cannot only think of playing. Especially my playful cousin heng heng haha,its time to learn.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sry guys nvr blog for so many days, too tired liao. Hai for the past 2 weeks too many things to blog :) But i lazy the only thing i can say is i ENJOYED haha. Went US and bought lots of stuff dam happy. CNY colthes dont nid to buy again liao.

Hai sian sia my teacher is malay hope she is not racist. And now wed and fri i can go school later haha, they start school at 8.15 dam happy :)

Hai dont know wat to blog liao just stay happy guys dont think too much ren shen duan duan ji shi nian must zhen xi.

K bye :D