Friday, September 18, 2009

Kryan Wong, me, is a bitch. Srsly, I should just slam the doors and bang the wall. I am so lazy to blog these few months cos laziness took over me purely. There's no need to bother abt me anymore cos I am going too dead to be true. (: I am just too BUSY w my life. Lydia claims that I have 3 wives while Jinren claims that I have 5 wives and 6 mistresses. It's up to you to believe them, cos I rly have nth to say. (It's the truth) Currently, dota is my life. & based on Mizah's statement, I simply have no life. I agree, srsly. My life has already ended ever since I stopped blogging which is since May 29. Literally, I suck to the core & I know everyone agrees on that. <:
Currently, my love for WangLeeHom has faded drastically. While Taylor is Hot & Spicyz, leading top on the list. He's the new s3x. Thank you for your attention. I wish I was as muscular as him. I cannot be as muscular as him as i dont have that look either. Sigh...你的溫柔如此靠近帶走我的心跳, Jacob! -salivating-