Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wa F**K sia the china woman stupid bitch. Come ruin my family and my mood, i will hate u 4ever F**K off man. U BITCH still dare come have dinner with me still sit beside me. 做人要自动一点,不会做人就不要来.根本都没人想看到你,不来也没人会想你, My father oso another 1 i respect him but he dont even respect me. How dare he bring tat BITCH here WTF. Stupid bitch force me pollute my clean blog with those !@#$%^&*.

Hope any of my cousin c wat i write and tell their parents i will b very happy.

And i hope ppl i know will b more mature, cannot only think of playing. Especially my playful cousin heng heng haha,its time to learn.

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