Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hai so tired!! SYF coming zzzz, not only SYF my family still got some freaking stuff make me so irritated OMGG.... Hate the bloody china woman and some1 hu i dont wanna say out. BTW pls get out frm my good life, stop irritating me!! Watever i do is wrong la, and watever u do is right la.... Just wanted to have a iphone and i m gonna pay myself still wan kb wat sia. If u bloody bitch is gonna pay for me i understand but u r not can, so keep yur bloody mouth shut!!!!!!! And all $ kena cope i oso nvr say anything u still wan talk so much, everytime say all the same old thing. i alrd can bei out all the things u wanna say.

Anw guys sry keep coming my blog to scold ppl, but i rly cant control myself these ppl force me to do these.

Music makes my mood better hehe
Bye :)

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