Monday, March 9, 2009

Yesterday is rly a tiring day.... Help moving house, aiyo there was so many things to move. BUTTT most of the things are not mine can... in the end still must b said by ppl wat 那么多东西了还要买. Please la she herself is the one and pls stop acting like a fool. We know tat wat u are doing are fake can... zhou ren kiang tio ho mai kei kiang u must know this theory.

OMG my hand is still pain lor irritating hope my hand will b fine by tmr. If not i gonna suffer 1 more (BLOODY) day. Wahaha stephen lim teach de hehe. Hai feel very sad for my maths and english results ): failed english. then maths leh hai just got a pass on the spot ): For physics and chinese still not bad quite satisfied. Hope i can score in ss i've alrd put in effort in it liao so i rly hope :)

I think tat as long as we put in our effort wtv the results ppl will still b satisfied.

Byebye guys :)

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