Saturday, May 16, 2009

YEAH!!! Finally left 1 more physics paper which i dont have to study tat much haha. Pass few days wat i do was memo, memo and still memo stupid sia.... Waste my time..... Now i find tat all my hard work have been wash down the drain especially (H_____)...... And all this happen just in 1 day..... HATE study for my life!!!

Hai but nvm over and its over there is nth i can do about it. Wat i can do is only change the furture and not the pass. Heng i still have my families with me!! But i m lucky for just having a caring family.... Other thn this i find nth good about me? Overall i find myself so USELESS??

My cute little Dr.edric wong cousin (:

Feel like dieing now!!!! Y is everything and its everything!!!!! so unfair to me? All the effort i've put in for friendship and ..... its was ruin just within 1 day...... Think next time i shouldn't put in effort for anything le just let things b done by itself and tats the best?

K done (: BYE

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