Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sry for not posting for so many days too lazy liao haha. Yesterday morning was rotting at home stupid sia. But its ok :) My brother organize BBQ and it was quite fun. Played with his friends, they dam funny de lor keep saying bad stuff about each other. One of them dam flirt can.... She can ask a fake boyfriend to hug her and take photo wth. Still can lay on him eeeeee. Tat orrr jiao oso still can let her lay on him. Haha but not my body can liao just saying for fun :D

I somehow abit pek chek with someone lor. Ask her to go to the BBQ as if she is my normal friend of mine cannot meh.... Even Y and M can go y cant u.... Somemore me and M oso cannot say we rly know each other but still go. Mayb Y and M they are friends so wont b so pai seh, but as if i nvr ask u to call a few friends along..... Pls la i dont think going out with a normal friend is wrong lor. i know u are very mature in thinking so pls go think about it k???

Bye :D

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