Friday, February 27, 2009

Sry guys nvr blog for more than a week.... (again)

WTF!!!! Dam pek chek with one SBS driver..... He drives bus 14, car plate no.1:SBS9552R but I don't know his name. Curse him!!!! Dunno why got such a 白痴 bus driver driving the bus. Later he nvr drive properly then bring danger to the passengers and the people. Such people should just stay at home and not be a hindrance. Drive then drive with care, don't kaypo and talk so much. Scold without reason, 什么道理! People out there, better watch out and beware of such guailan driver who's mentally unstable. Although he's older but doesn't mean that he can scold people dog. Crazy nvm don't care about this crazydriver, night! (:

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