Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I m so lucky to have a good friend like OYL, so kinddddd help me da bao mac when i m so tired going (haha). But the breakfast i only ate half others let a F**KING beggar kope WTFFFF. Tat beggar have $ to smoke, drink and gamble but dont have money to eat.... OMFG i rly have nth to say about this type of beggar/bastard. I dont wanna say out who is he, he himself know can liao. Ppl frm my class oso the same only got 1 word to discribe and tats 贪. How i wish my school dont have this type of ppl.....

After school went out w hamizah and jin ren. First i went to take the IC photo, i look so dumb can.... like not enf sleep ): After tat we went to marine parade mac and saw hamizah so blur abit like lydia blur blur de haha. After going out with them i found out tat mayb jin ren like hamizah??? He like cannot stop disturbing her for 5 min.... I oso dont know wat jin ren thinking like then jio la dont b so 婆婆妈妈 like a girl hahaha. Both of u look quite like a couple hehe.

So tired now....

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