Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy b'day ah kor :):)

Hai today is quite a boring day.... Go school like nvr go lor, first lesson go mother tongue do 1 paper then watch movie le. After tat geog is the same listen to the first lesson then the second lesson dont have to say wat i do hahaha. Heng after recess got english can disturb nizam haha and its definately better hahahaha. Then last lesson have been cancel and there is a stupid talk about the H1N1. In the end me and teo nvr even listen sleep for the whole talk hahahaha. so shuang...

After school played card for awhile and went home to read my stupid geog :( Read abit le straight away go sleep hehee. Then slept until 7.30 and have my dinner.... Finish dinner le rush to giant to buy some stuff and buy cake frm 4 leaf.


Boring day.... bye