Saturday, November 15, 2008

I think today i had a better day than yesterday. Went to swim in the afternoon, but only swam for like 40min?? Hai, because of the stupid weather. if not i gonna swim for like 20 more minutes. But nvm still exercise haha.

Went to Velo City for dinner. Tat stupid uncle only gave me a few piece of meat but... he gave my cousin quite alot. WTF. After tat went to haagen daaz to buy some ice cream cause my cousin have a $20 voucher. I didnt buy cause at the point of time i dont feel like eating. Somehow wasted :)

Now enjoying some delicious pies. haha. My life sucks but when i talks about all these eating stuff, my life is good and more LIVELY. :D

Bye Bye

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