Friday, November 14, 2008

Hai, quite a boring day again zzzzz. Stupid woke up and played dota until i quite sian diao liaoz.

Went to golden mile complex for dinner. My 2 small little cousins are cute lor, but sometimes still quite irritating. They keep bugging their parents to buy the $1 capsule toy, the niu dan! Haha. They bought quite alot. Hai, somehow wasting $ but nvm not my $ anyway :) 1 of them dont know wat he buy , then he got 1 cute little TUTU. You know, those babies eat de. Haha. Played with it, miss my childhood times. Hope i can still go back to the no fan nao life, just play can liaoz. No need think this, think that. Good right? haha.

Bye :)

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