Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hai wat a tiring day. First went out with yiling, fengling and alex. Love going out with alex. He will make me keep laughing and laughing. Then the 2 crazy girls oso laugh zzzz, but they are not laughing at the things we laugh. They were laughing at alex's expression hahah. O ya i am very sorry jiang jie u are the joker of our day haha. After tat went to alex's mother shop again haha. But this time i am not the one who is cleaning my face, this time it was yiling and fengling wahahaha. Now xiang xiang kan i think i abit kua zhang they nvr shout pain but i am the one crying in pain :)

At night then is the most tiring part of the day zzzzzz. Needa help carry some stupid stuff which is dam heavy and there wasnt any lift. We can only use the stairs, must carry the stuffs to forth floor. Did this bloody routine for dont know how many times zzzzz. Dam tired wanted to die at the point of time. Done carrying liao still need to be nag wth... But there is nth i can do so ren bah.

ByeBye :)

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