Monday, November 24, 2008

咳!今天去了West Coast Shopping Centre and IMM。West Coast Shopping Centre 不是说很多走,所以我不想讲太多哈哈。我超幸运的去到 IMM 还可以看到棒棒糖。我开心是因为可以看到他们,失望也是因为他们。咳。人太多了想拍几张照来留念都很难,可是我拍到的都不是很好看zzzzz 那我也没办法。 如果当时有几位女孩子陪我,我一定近去。超尴尬的只有我和我的表哥两个男孩去看,其他人都是女孩子。所以我拍了一张照就快点跑了出来哈哈。对不起照片不好看请别怪我 :)

谢谢参观我的部落格 :D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today i dam happy HAHA. First went to bugis to buy jeans and t-shirt with fred(cousin) Both of us bought alot of stuff, i bought 3 t-shirt, 2 jeans and 1 bag. O ya now i am BROKE!!! Wallet left $12 hai sianz... Came home at 5+ thought tat my other cousin(justin) nvr come to ah ma house. HAHA but i was wrong he came :D

Ermm play with justin dota kena own for the first game but after tat the 2 other games we own like siao.

Hai sianz fred going overseas with his school... But anyway bon voyage :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hai wat a tiring day. First went out with yiling, fengling and alex. Love going out with alex. He will make me keep laughing and laughing. Then the 2 crazy girls oso laugh zzzz, but they are not laughing at the things we laugh. They were laughing at alex's expression hahah. O ya i am very sorry jiang jie u are the joker of our day haha. After tat went to alex's mother shop again haha. But this time i am not the one who is cleaning my face, this time it was yiling and fengling wahahaha. Now xiang xiang kan i think i abit kua zhang they nvr shout pain but i am the one crying in pain :)

At night then is the most tiring part of the day zzzzzz. Needa help carry some stupid stuff which is dam heavy and there wasnt any lift. We can only use the stairs, must carry the stuffs to forth floor. Did this bloody routine for dont know how many times zzzzz. Dam tired wanted to die at the point of time. Done carrying liao still need to be nag wth... But there is nth i can do so ren bah.

ByeBye :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I think today i had a better day than yesterday. Went to swim in the afternoon, but only swam for like 40min?? Hai, because of the stupid weather. if not i gonna swim for like 20 more minutes. But nvm still exercise haha.

Went to Velo City for dinner. Tat stupid uncle only gave me a few piece of meat but... he gave my cousin quite alot. WTF. After tat went to haagen daaz to buy some ice cream cause my cousin have a $20 voucher. I didnt buy cause at the point of time i dont feel like eating. Somehow wasted :)

Now enjoying some delicious pies. haha. My life sucks but when i talks about all these eating stuff, my life is good and more LIVELY. :D

Bye Bye

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hai, quite a boring day again zzzzz. Stupid woke up and played dota until i quite sian diao liaoz.

Went to golden mile complex for dinner. My 2 small little cousins are cute lor, but sometimes still quite irritating. They keep bugging their parents to buy the $1 capsule toy, the niu dan! Haha. They bought quite alot. Hai, somehow wasting $ but nvm not my $ anyway :) 1 of them dont know wat he buy , then he got 1 cute little TUTU. You know, those babies eat de. Haha. Played with it, miss my childhood times. Hope i can still go back to the no fan nao life, just play can liaoz. No need think this, think that. Good right? haha.

Bye :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hai sian lar today nth to do at home. The only thing i am doing is dota dota and still dota. Hope tmr can go out with alex and etc. Their fun to go out with :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hmmm went out with alex and had fun!! First went to his mother's shop to buy some mask.
His mother is so good can... not only help me clean the pimples and even brought me chicken soup,think of the taste i feel like drinking 1 more bowl haha.

After tat took mrt to his house to relax ourselves. Not only tat we played com and the joke of the day is a dog (KENNETH ONG HSIEN HOCK). Other jokers are those who watch porn from my class. I dont think i need to name them out, they should know themselves :)