Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I m so lucky to have a good friend like OYL, so kinddddd help me da bao mac when i m so tired going (haha). But the breakfast i only ate half others let a F**KING beggar kope WTFFFF. Tat beggar have $ to smoke, drink and gamble but dont have money to eat.... OMFG i rly have nth to say about this type of beggar/bastard. I dont wanna say out who is he, he himself know can liao. Ppl frm my class oso the same only got 1 word to discribe and tats 贪. How i wish my school dont have this type of ppl.....

After school went out w hamizah and jin ren. First i went to take the IC photo, i look so dumb can.... like not enf sleep ): After tat we went to marine parade mac and saw hamizah so blur abit like lydia blur blur de haha. After going out with them i found out tat mayb jin ren like hamizah??? He like cannot stop disturbing her for 5 min.... I oso dont know wat jin ren thinking like then jio la dont b so 婆婆妈妈 like a girl hahaha. Both of u look quite like a couple hehe.

So tired now....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

HOHOHO. Went compass point with jiangjie and disturb charlene, grace and etc hehehe.. The charlene so dumb can..... shoot her then she will get so pek chek wahaha. When she get angry tats the time i will b freaking happy wakakakak. How evil of me hehe. Hai i think 3a2 and 3a3 ppl oso wanna c her get angry haha. Seeing charlene angry is the best le que of my lifeeeeeeeee wakakaka.

After tat went to long beach and eat seafood.... Had one of my fav foodddddd the XIANG BA BANG wahahah. The xiang ba bang is so dam fresh can... Can feel the sweetness in the mouth. Then we went to kallang mac and have our supper, i knew tat i m gonna c broadrician. Guess wat i saw LEON haha. The fat fat one frm 3A4 haha.

Now talking on the phone bb :D

Monday, March 9, 2009

Yesterday is rly a tiring day.... Help moving house, aiyo there was so many things to move. BUTTT most of the things are not mine can... in the end still must b said by ppl wat 那么多东西了还要买. Please la she herself is the one and pls stop acting like a fool. We know tat wat u are doing are fake can... zhou ren kiang tio ho mai kei kiang u must know this theory.

OMG my hand is still pain lor irritating hope my hand will b fine by tmr. If not i gonna suffer 1 more (BLOODY) day. Wahaha stephen lim teach de hehe. Hai feel very sad for my maths and english results ): failed english. then maths leh hai just got a pass on the spot ): For physics and chinese still not bad quite satisfied. Hope i can score in ss i've alrd put in effort in it liao so i rly hope :)

I think tat as long as we put in our effort wtv the results ppl will still b satisfied.

Byebye guys :)