Friday, February 27, 2009

Sry guys nvr blog for more than a week.... (again)

WTF!!!! Dam pek chek with one SBS driver..... He drives bus 14, car plate no.1:SBS9552R but I don't know his name. Curse him!!!! Dunno why got such a 白痴 bus driver driving the bus. Later he nvr drive properly then bring danger to the passengers and the people. Such people should just stay at home and not be a hindrance. Drive then drive with care, don't kaypo and talk so much. Scold without reason, 什么道理! People out there, better watch out and beware of such guailan driver who's mentally unstable. Although he's older but doesn't mean that he can scold people dog. Crazy nvm don't care about this crazydriver, night! (:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sry for not posting for so many days too lazy liao haha. Yesterday morning was rotting at home stupid sia. But its ok :) My brother organize BBQ and it was quite fun. Played with his friends, they dam funny de lor keep saying bad stuff about each other. One of them dam flirt can.... She can ask a fake boyfriend to hug her and take photo wth. Still can lay on him eeeeee. Tat orrr jiao oso still can let her lay on him. Haha but not my body can liao just saying for fun :D

I somehow abit pek chek with someone lor. Ask her to go to the BBQ as if she is my normal friend of mine cannot meh.... Even Y and M can go y cant u.... Somemore me and M oso cannot say we rly know each other but still go. Mayb Y and M they are friends so wont b so pai seh, but as if i nvr ask u to call a few friends along..... Pls la i dont think going out with a normal friend is wrong lor. i know u are very mature in thinking so pls go think about it k???

Bye :D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hi guys :) Yesterday's lesson was normal. But got scolded by F&N teacher haha, nvr finish the hw she gave us :( Then stay back after school to do, but she got disturb by me. Haha dont know hu say mr lau very scarded of her, then i say of cos la u 压下去他就死. She giv me giv me the jiao bin sia, every1 there say wat i very guai lan but they oso laugh haha.

After doing the work went to band. When jing wen they all say viceroy coming i was like WTH y must u come??? HATE HIM!!!! Yesterday found out tat mayb he come to band is because of the cute JUNIOR in our section haha. The junior was quite cute :) N i think viceroy like her ba, frm wat he say i think everyone in band will laugh lor. He ask the junior "Y are u so sian???" She reply "Very tired mah" then say he say "躺下来休息啦!" His somehow being rejected she say cannot la later they will scold hahah. Keep laughing away :D Siska and me was like no wonder his mood is so good, finish flirting happy liao haha.

To viceroy "if u like her just say bah anw she is quite cute wat"haha

K ba Bye dam happy yesterday :D