Friday, May 29, 2009

Yesterday had speech day!!! So tiring but fun(:(: It was also the last offical performance with my great seniors :) Enjoyed the process with them!! Now then i realise tat process is the more important thing rather than results.....

To my great seniors:)

Amanda i rly enjoy the time we have. Especially when we gossip about ppl hahaha. But u must keep yurself relax more cos i find u abit impatient hahaha.

KT both of us know how good is yur playing skills :) but no matter wat i m glad tat u r willing to giv up yur practicing time and come and teach me this noob haha.

Siska yur playing skills are good and a very patient person.

Thanks too all of u. All of u are rly rly good seniors. U guys treat me very well. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! haha. THX for all the time and do come back for band more often i will miss u guys de:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

YEAH!!! Finally left 1 more physics paper which i dont have to study tat much haha. Pass few days wat i do was memo, memo and still memo stupid sia.... Waste my time..... Now i find tat all my hard work have been wash down the drain especially (H_____)...... And all this happen just in 1 day..... HATE study for my life!!!

Hai but nvm over and its over there is nth i can do about it. Wat i can do is only change the furture and not the pass. Heng i still have my families with me!! But i m lucky for just having a caring family.... Other thn this i find nth good about me? Overall i find myself so USELESS??

My cute little Dr.edric wong cousin (:

Feel like dieing now!!!! Y is everything and its everything!!!!! so unfair to me? All the effort i've put in for friendship and ..... its was ruin just within 1 day...... Think next time i shouldn't put in effort for anything le just let things b done by itself and tats the best?

K done (: BYE

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

GRRR hate today's chinese paper 1 so diff.... Dont even know how to write for the second part bo bian it consist of 50 marks, so i anyhow spam the paper with wordsssss... Hope the teacher will understand..... Then paper 2 was ok..... expected the compre to be diff but in the end quite easy hahaha.

After both paper went to mac and eat lunch with terry, kenneth and tze hsien.... Disturb tze hsien and terry all the way hahah. Then wenn hon, vincent, raffles and jun hong join us.... Cannot stand kenneth and vincent sia keep shooting each other.... But most of the time is vincent LL haha. So funnyyyyyy :)

Hai rly dam irritated by a few things!!!! Sometimes i rly feel like just throwing everything aside and stop think those FUCKING stuff!!!! Some1!!! teach me wat to do!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy b'day ah kor :):)

Hai today is quite a boring day.... Go school like nvr go lor, first lesson go mother tongue do 1 paper then watch movie le. After tat geog is the same listen to the first lesson then the second lesson dont have to say wat i do hahaha. Heng after recess got english can disturb nizam haha and its definately better hahahaha. Then last lesson have been cancel and there is a stupid talk about the H1N1. In the end me and teo nvr even listen sleep for the whole talk hahahaha. so shuang...

After school played card for awhile and went home to read my stupid geog :( Read abit le straight away go sleep hehee. Then slept until 7.30 and have my dinner.... Finish dinner le rush to giant to buy some stuff and buy cake frm 4 leaf.


Boring day.... bye

Saturday, May 2, 2009

PSPS this few weeks dam lazy to post.... Now tio gan like siao liao bo bian hahahah. Ermmm today went out with uncle and ate at SRC. The DIAN XING is so nice!!! still got liu lian su first time c and eat sia. Haiii nw i think i abit too crazy about food le wat i think is only food, food and still FOOD!!! haha

Thn after tat around 7 went to science centre's sakura to celebrate kor's b'day and mother's day... WTH buffet there is totally like shit!!!! DK how the chief cook de kns..... Mayb wat i say abit guai lan but to me it rly sucks. But had fun there with my cousins :) tats smth good about it.

Hey guys whn u r irritated by me tell me straight at my face b truthful towards me :)

LAZY to post le bye