Friday, December 5, 2008

Haha today woke up at 12. Seldom wake up so late, hmmm but nvm. 4 i went to jurong point again haha, this time went with bro and dan. My bro play the catching thing in arcade too much pro liao. Ermm who wanna buy pls add me in msn(for those who dont know me) For the ppl who know me pls come and talk to me hehe. Its about 20cm big so offer me :)

Hai had some fun in jurong point, but after i come back sian diao lor. But when someone just come back frm work keep shooting me wth. Wats the big problem man zzzz, he got presure so wat.... Come shoot me for wat, got so many ppl to shoot come bio me. Irritated by tat person. Haha but i da ren you da liang yuan liang ta haha

K bah bye :)

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